In focus Antonella Guarracino In focus Antonella Guarracino

(re)Acting Rembrandt

The whole face has a life. Showing the whites of the eyes and opening the mouth in disbelief, Rembrandt’s face is acting. Or better re-acting. It’s as if I gave him a start coming from behind the corner, and he had exclaimed ‘Goodness! You gave me quite a turn, creeping up like that!’

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In focus Antonella Guarracino In focus Antonella Guarracino

Two unconventional self-portraits for a twofold problem

How these two Baroque self-portraits, which resort to the personification of Painting to frame the artist as an object of admiration – or, someone may say, to divert viewers’ gaze from a face that didn’t launch a thousand ships – connect to one another despite all their notable differences?

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