Women Painters in Early Modern Italy

Women Painters in Early Modern Italy is a free online art appreciation course to survey the careers of the most notable early modern Italian women painters, who achieved fame among their contemporaries but whose artistic oeuvres became obscured over time.

Participants will be able to examine the different upbringings and career trajectories of a selection of women artists who were born and spent most of their lives in Italy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In addition, the gendered twist and original contribution this selection of pioneering women artists gave to the stylistic developments of established painting genres will be investigated. The recent wealth of publications and exhibitions, and the increasing interest of the art market will be reviewed as well.

This is a self-study course and participants can learn at their own pace and schedule.
Some previous knowledge of the History of Art in Italy during the sixteenth and seventeenth century is beneficial, but not essential.

Antonella Guarracino

Art History buff. Still shooting film. Getting mail in Wicklow, Ireland.


Carel Fabritius, beyond The Goldfinch


My five top exhibitions of 2023—and one complete turkey